travel south pacific new zealand shag point/matakaea nature reserve

Shag Point/Matakaea has a history that ranges from an early Ngai Tahu settlement to historic coalmining.
Matakaea is the name of the pa (fortified village) that overlooked Waihemo/Shag River Mouth.

We visited Shag Point on a relatively mild but rainy day and had the area virtually to ourselves.
The point is accessed on a narrow gravel road with several large gravel parking areas.
The grassy bluffs, rocky shoreline, and rugged points are full of wildlife from all sorts of birds to seals.
I found the beautiful coastline quite similar to our own in Oregon.

What was different from Oregon, were the New Zealand fur seals that were blunter and furrier than our harbor seals.
I discovered the other odd thing about these fur seals when I took a trail out to one of the points through the high grass.
On this grassy bluff, probably 50 to 60 feet above the water, I ran into lounging seals... one, not much more than 10 feet off the trail.
Why and how do these rather clumsy-on-land creatures climb these steep bluffs to sleep in the grass so far from the water?
The Department of Conservation website does not tell us.

There is free access to the Nature Reserve.


TRAVEL: 2018...

This location has earned an over-all three-and-one-half star (good+) rating from
Travel Fanatics Unlimited

unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Overview of Shag Point/Matakaea Nature Reserve, New Zealand, 2018.

A variety of birds cover the rocks, Shag Point/Matakaea Nature Reserve, New Zealand, 2018.

High bluff above the water, Shag Point/Matakaea Nature Reserve, New Zealand, 2018.
Notice the fur seal to the left.

Fur seal on the grass high above the water, Shag Point/Matakaea Nature Reserve, New Zealand, 2018.
This one was only a few feet off the trail...
When I first came down the trail, she raised her head and looked at me... then rolled over and went back to sleep.

A large collection of fur seals sleeping in the grass on a high bluff, Shag Point/Matakaea Nature Reserve, New Zealand, 2018.

These fur seals seemed to prefer the rocks far below the bluffs, Shag Point/Matakaea Nature Reserve, New Zealand, 2018.

copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised july 2021